Beneficiary Partners

Leading organization: Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Established in 1888, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” is the leading Bulgarian academic and research institution ranked among the world’s top 750 and Europe’s top 300 universities. Its structure comprises of 16 faculties, three departments and over 35 centres.
Five of its faculties take part in Clean&Circle project – Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, and Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
Faculty of Biology is a leading partner in educational, research and applied activities in the field of ecological biotechnology, biotechnology of purification processes and bio-entrepreneurship. In the last 25 years there have been Master's programs "Environmental Biotechnology" and "Applied Hydrobiology and Aquaculture", and in the last 10 years - also "Bio business and Bio-entrepreneurship" and "Eco-Management". This concentrated intellectual product is essentially the core of clean technology and circular economy. It is a founder of a "Business Incubator" at Sofia Municipality and Municipal Enterprise for Waste Treatment and a long-time partner of Sofiyska Voda JSC in the implementation of educational, scientific and technological projects.
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics is involved in the creation of a project information system and a cloud for data integration, application of data analysis and prognostic methods, as well as the IT Laboratory
Faculty of Physics contributes to the project with its expertise in spectroscopic, rheological and other biochemical/physical methods for analysis of water contents, statistical data analysis, flotation, and biosensors.
Faculty of Geology and Geography leads the activities related to localization, characterization and assessment of natural hazards in different areas. It is also involved in development of natural and synthetic materials for industrial water treatment.
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy is involved in the development and implementation of innovatiive ICP, XRF, radiochemical and chromatographic methods for determination of the element and radionuclide compostion, chemical forms of the elements and organic substances in waters and solid and liquid wastes.

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
UACEG is a leading educational, research and expert center in Bulgaria in two of the key project areas - water management and construction and demolition (C&D) waste management. The team of the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering participates in the development of technologies and solutions for application of the principles of circular economy in the water and sewerage sector. The team of the Faculty of Structural Engineering works on the adaptation of selective demolition methods and on the C&D waste recovery into new building materials.
University of Forestry (UF)
University of Forestry is a nationally recognized educational and research center, called to provide highly qualified graduates. It has six faculties. The Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture leads the activities of Clean&Circle relating to waste management, including biodegradable waste and bio-waste as part of the circular economy.
"Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" University - Bourgas (BU)
Burgas University (BU) is the only state university of South-East Bulgaria. It consists of five faculties and three colleagues. The Faculty of Technical Sciences has traditions in the fields of Chemistry, Biotechnology, Material and Computer Science and Electronics. Its Department of Water Engineering (DWE) is the direct performer of research tasks related to Clean&Circle. The specific expertise of DWE is in energy utilization gained by bio-electrochemical systems and nutrient extraction and recovery from wastewater and waste sludge.
Institute of Physical Chemistry "Academician Rostislav Kaishev" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
IPC carries out fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of development of new materials and technologies based on electrochemically including corrosion-resistive, magnetic, electro-and photoelectrocatlytic and chemosensitive coatings from metals, alloys, oxides and polymers; nanoscale phases and phenomena, crystallization processes and obtaining of glasses, ceramics and glass ceramics, including materials by industrial wastes; design and investigation of functionalized surfaces, decorated micro and nano-particles, thin liquid films, foams, emulsions and „soft” nanostructured materials for the application in medicine, pharmacy, food and oil industry.
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center for Phytochemistry - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IOCCP)
The IOCCP is involved in fundamental and applied research in the field of clarifying the relationship between structure and reactivity of organic compounds; determination of structure and function of proteins, enzymes and peptides; study of the thermal and catalytic transformations of hydrocarbons. Noteworthy among its accomplishments are of the scientists, employed in IOCCP are development of a method for production of highly effective carbon adsorbents with possible application as a drug, for cleaning of wasted waters and gases; development of new heterogeneous catalysts for processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and obtaining of ecologic and alternative fuels; agricultural wastes utilization for active carbon production, applied for potable and waste waters cleaning, etc.
Institute of Microbiology "Stefan Angelov" - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
IMicB is a national research centre in microbiological sciences, dealing with fundamental science and applied microbiology – microbial biosynthesis and biotechnology. IMicB is a member of the International Institut Pasteur network. It has 5 departments – General Microbiology, Applied Microbiology, Infectious Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, and a total of 82 scientists working in different domains of microbiology, including molecular biology analyses, microbiological and toxicological analyses.
"Cleantech Bulgaria" Foundation
Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technology, innovation and sustainable development. It works actively to introduce resource-efficient solutions leading to a shift to new business models, such as low carbon and circular economy. It provides consulting and financing for innovative enterprises, start-ups support and access to an international network of experts, partners, clients and investors.
An official partner of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, collaborating on the topics of Sustainable Energy and Climate Change. A partner in a number of projects in Horizon 2020, INTERREG, national programs and initiatives.